Monday, February 23, 2009

M 2/23/09 Homework

We are currently writing a controlling idea essay (Regents task). For this essay, you will develop a controlling idea (thesis)about revenge to connect both Shakespeare's Hamlet and Francis Bacon's "About Revenge." For tonight's homework, you must complete the one- page brainstorm you started in class(freewrite/venn diagram/list/looseleaf notes,charts, ect.) and write your thesis statement.

Be prepared to write for the entire 42 minute period tomorrow. You will be creating your outline and then starting your essay (draft 1).

To be collected during this week's block period:
1) Brainstorm work
2) Outline
3) Draft (treat your rough draft as though it were your final draft)
4) Rubric (handed out in class today)

Follow your rubric guidelines for maximum points!!!