Saturday, October 24, 2009

Homework Due Monday 10/26 and Tuesday 10/27

Respond to the following questions 9 from paragraph 2 of the Writing Mantra in freewrite format. Use what you know about life from your own experiences, but also speak to ideas presented in Sophocles' Oedipus. What do these questions mean for the characters in our play?

These questions are listed as follows:

1. What are the obstacles that stand in the way of the things we desire?

2. What strengths are called upon when we set out to face these challenges?

3. What types of external experiences (with society, with other people, with family, with fate, with nature) influence our states of mind and our actions?

4. How and when do these states of mind and actions affect our future, our relationships with others, others themselves?

5. How do these external experiences influence our internal experiences (our emotions)?

6. On the flip side of this coin, how do our internal experiences and our emotions influence our external experiences (with society, with other people, with family, with fate, with nature)?

7. What happens with us internally and externally when our strengths are pushed to the limits and don’t seem to be enough to overcome our weaknesses and our obstacles?

8. How can people change their patterns of thinking, socializing, and behaviors? (Avoid telling us what people "should" do because we are not in a position to make that call. Instead, observe and consider the processes of CHANGE. What DO people do?)

9. How do abstract ideas take on new shapes and forms? (Examples: When and how does pride become hubris? When and how does fear become violence? When and how does love become war? When and how does truth lie? When and how is knowledge “ignorant”?)

*How long does this assignment have to be, you ask? As long as it takes to answer the questions. One page will probably not be enough. Really think about this stuff and work it out in your brainstorm!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* I suggest revising your thematic statement as soon as you are finished with these questions and your ideas are fresh in your mind. It will be easier than trying to remember all of your thoughts on Monday or Tuesday. The brainstorm above is meant to influence the ideas you already have about the play (characters, plot, etc.) and what it expresses about
- the human condition (what it means to be human)
- human ambition
- human motivation

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday 10/19/2009

P7 Students- This assignment is due Wednesday, October 21:

Now that you have composed your thematic statement for Oedipus, write AS MUCH AS YOU CAN about how the myth of Oedipus applies to your statement. Give every example there is. At the VERY LEAST, you NEED 10 EXAMPLES! This work will be collected.


Complete a double entry journal for 3 passages in Oedipus. Passages must be 5-7 lines long each and you must include line numbers. Journal entries should include connections (text to self, world, text, ect.), Questions (literal and interpretive), and thoughts (This means.... This could mean...). You must also use 10 vocabulary words from our recent vocabulary packets. Due Monday/Tuesday Block

Monday, October 12, 2009

Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes INFO

Websites (Type the word and its parts in the search bar) (Type the word and its parts in the search bar) (List of Greek and Latin Root words)

Look up the word exactly how it is written.
See if you can break the word down into its root, prefix, suffix.
Look up the separate root.
Look up the prefix.
Look up the suffix.

*The websites listed here are only meant to start you off. There are literally thousands of websites, books, and other resources you can consult to find information about every single word in the English language. I strongly encourage you to make it a habit of looking up roots, prefixes, and suffixes in addition to whatever is required for a grade. We need words to convey our thoughts in this world. Plus, it can be fun to see how words take on new meanings with time!

Monday, October 5, 2009

HW Due W/H 10/8-10/9

Finish reading and annotating Thomas Gould's essay titled "The Innocence of Oedipus: The Philosphers on Oedipus the King." Your annotations will be checked in class and MUST BE written directly on your packet. I will be looking for AT LEAST 3 ANNOTATIONS PER PAGE.

Reminder: Scroll down for vocabulary dates for your class.

Friday, October 2, 2009

HW Due M/T 10/5, 10/6

Vocabulary Packet Due
Oedipus assignment for lines 1-125 Due (worksheet and short response)

*Scroll down to read the detailed assignment for the Oedipus work.

Vocabulary Unit 2 / Dates to Know

Monday / Tuesday classes: packet due

Wednesday / Thursday classes: index cards due (same format as unit I)

Friday- We will go over the packet and the words in class

Friday, October 16- TEST/UNIT 2

* My expectation is that you work on vocabulary every single day. Do not wait until the last minute when it comes to due dates. You will have reading homework every single night in addition to this work, so if you wait until the last minute, you will feel overwhelmed. AVOID THIS!! You need to study your index cards on a daily basis.