Friday, May 28, 2010

HW Due Tuesday, June 1

Visit the above website to read Elie Wiesel's speech at his Nobel Prize awards ceremony in 1986. What is his message?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HW Due Thursday, May 27

WOOOOLLLLFFFF!!! Hey guys and dolls- I know it's been a long while since I posted here. I know you have been DYING for homework reminders! Here goes the HW for the day:

Copy down a dictionary definition for the following words. Include the part of speech and ALL definitions associated with that word. DO NOT just pick one of the several that will be listed.

Words to define:

ALSO: Period 8, you are also reading up to page 26 for homework. That will take you to the end of chapter 2. You MUST bring the book you borrowed in class today BACK to school tomorrow and return it to Ms. Hanemann at the start of
7th period TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!