Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reading Strategy: Sentence Starters

Sentence starters get you thinking more deeply about the text. Use these in your discussion of literature to get below the surface and make interpretations:

I wonder...
I began to think of...
I like the idea...
I know the feeling...
I noticed...
I was surprised...
If I had been...
I was reminded of...

*If you get writer's block when writing/brainstorming/thinking/talking about literature, here are some things to think about:

Feelings (boring, sad, exciting, weird)
Questions (I wonder why the author put in certain parts....)
Images (pictures in the mind, sensory responses)
Favorite (or detested) words and phrases
Echoes (of other books, movies, television shows, headlines, songs, poems)
Reaction to characters or events (I can't believe the soldiers are smiling...)
Memories (people, events, places you've known)
Connections (to other ideas, people, feelings, books)