Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break Assignment

Read and annotate Chapters 8, 9, & 10 of Animal Farm (on post-its)

Annotation Focus: plot, conflict, allegory, satire, dramatic irony, verbal irony, situational irony, satire, mood, tone, theme, foreshadowing

*Independent reading with annotation (on post-its)is due Friday, April 24. You will not earn credit for notes taken in your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper. I strongly suggest finishing your reading of 1984 or Lord of the Flies over the break. That way, you will be fully prepared to write your two Regents Task essays at the end of the unit (see unit calendar for details).

Tip: If you've already read one of these books, read the other one, for your own sake! They are both great stories, and if we had more time, we would have read all three books together!! The more you read, the more stories you'll be able to choose from to write about on the Regents, which you will take next January.

Another Tip: The Animal Farm unit closes with one Critical Lens essay, and one Controlling Idea essay. You are very familiar with both, and I expect that all of you will do a superstar job of them. Remember that you need to be able to discuss a wide range of literary elements while proving your thesis for BOTH types of essays. When annotating, focus on HOW the literary elements DEVELOP themes of power, rebellion, and control (do not just say that the author uses them because no one will care). You will have to use quotes, paraphrase sections of the text, and cite page numbers for reference. If you do a good job of annotating, then the essays will be both easy breezy and as delicious as pudding pie.