Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Test on Friday, October 3

Hello Students,

For Friday's test, you are responsible for knowing:

Vocabulary Words from the Unit 1 Packet: know the definitions, parts of speech, spelling, and be able to use the words in sentences.

Information found in the Oedipus Rex Introduction Handouts

Literary Terms and Examples for Oedipus Rex and Greek Drama(index card project terms)

Characters, Plot, and "big ideas" (themes) in Oedipus Rex

Study Tips:
- Make study cards for the vocabulary words
- Study literary terms index cards (quiz yourself and each other!)
- Reread the introduction-to-the-play handout and make a list of important facts
- Review all of the notes we have taken in class since we started reading Oedipus
- Make a finalized list of all the characters and their roles
- Make a list of characters who have conflicts, and list the conflicts
- Ask questions in class about facts and ideas you are unsure about
- Make a list of the important events that take place in the play
- See me in S.O.S. or during lunch for a review of anything you are unsure about

*If you have been absent during this unit at all, copy the notes from that day from someone in the class, and then show me the notes when you are finished. You are responsible for all the material covered in this unit, whether you missed school or not.

Happy studying,

Ms. Walsh